Saturday Night

It is Saturday, almost 5pm. My week of assignment hell is officially over; a total of 5 assignments handed in, in 5 days time. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t stressful. I haven’t yet looked at the week to come and what  it will bring in the world of academics. Instead, Friday at 11 2m after uploading the last of the 5 to my profs hard drive, I decided I would work my shifts at Nickels and enjoy the beauty of relaxation known as ‘The Weekend.’ I worked this morning released to enjoy the warmth and sun that has decended on us so late in November, a rare gift from Mother Nature. After arriving home, smelling like bacon, homefries and all things greasy, I am reminded that tonight is the birthday party of a mutual friend. A birthday party in the form of a Halo party. 

As I agree to attend this party two thoughts are prominent in my mind; 1. When did my life’s dayplanner come to inclue saturday night halo party? and 2. Other then merking newbs…which I am NOT good at…usually I am said ‘newb’…What the heck goes on at a Halo party!?!?

I am not, socially, prepared for this…at all.  My happy relaxation weekend has now come to include an evening of terror, confusion and no doubt some kind of technological complication caused by none other than yours trully. Oh to live in a mans world. Here’s hoping there is some kind of support system forming as I type. I refuse at this point to believe there are not others who have found themselves in this predicament. …perhaps there is even an underground system, designed to provide entertainment and safety in numbers.

I am nervous and excited. A brutal combo for the anxiety ridden. Dropped in the middle of this world I can hold my own, protected and empowered by the strength of the men I call my friends. It is because of this strength that I am excited! I am excited to spend an evening with friends that we see near not enough. However, this is a man’s world and in man world, that strength and commrodery leaves with the placement of controller in hand. Halo is an entity of its own, one that is all consuming and unforgiving. Thus my nerves go into over drive at the mere thought of being propsitioned to be an active participant.    …this may be one of those things we don’t talk about.

21/11/2009. A Man's World.

One Comment

  1. thisorthehousework replied:

    I’m not sure how anyone could have any problem with any thing you write! You really have a way with words! looooooooove you and miss you more then ever!

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